Technical Blogs
SEDA Oracle Programs plug into any bridge to provide secure verification for any route in seconds.
A recent Four Pillars' state of interoperability report emphasized the urgent need for scaling current bridges, revealing that 180 blockchains with over $1M TVL are active today. DeFi Llama lists 347 blockchains, and early 2024 industry estimates point to a total of 1000 chains. Equilibrium projects this number will surpass 2000 L2/L3 networks in 2025. As networks launch daily, the need for scalable and secure interoperability grows heightened more by the launch of Chain Abstraction protocols set to drive exponential cross-chain transaction growth. Meanwhile, cross-chain UX has improved greatly, encouraging more users to leverage interop & Chain Abstracted apps like Universal X, Jumper, Bungee, and for quick access to hundreds of cost-effective cross-chain routes.
In 2025, interoperability will focus on three key areas: scaling existing solutions to handle thousands of routes, providing interop protocols with the customization needed to support diverse bridge types between multiple VMs, and lastly adding enhanced security and verification mechanics to bolster security on top of common multisig verifiers. In this article we will look at how SEDA's dedicated Interop Programs, releasing this quarter, will support horizontal scaling of interoperability providers across any routes for any token pair, between all VMs.
SEDA is set to release a specialized Interop Oracle Program that interop providers can deploy on the SEDA Network to support any route between all chains. SEDA uses an intent-centric modular design that allows any unsupported blockchain to connect via a single prover contract. Wherever a chain has a SEDA prover contract and an available RPC endpoint to query, bridges can use SEDA’s Interop Programs to trigger data requests to verify chain state.
SEDA is a fully permissionless protocol that lets interop protocols and new chains deploy prover contracts and customize Interop programs to verify chain state near instantly. This gives interop protocols full power to expand their routes. In theory, chains with a SEDA prover contract and an available RPC endpoint become interoperable with any other network via SEDA. Additionally, SEDA’s Oracle Infrastructure can query any data type, empowering bridges to customize their Interop Oracle Programs to offer any token pair across any desired route.
1. Permissionless Prover Contracts
As SEDA is permissionless, bridges can use SEDA to verify outcomes on new routes by deploying SEDA prover contracts or in conjunction with a new network. Prover contracts will be available in any blockchain language, ensuring the possibility of routes between any ecosystem. State verification is passed from SEDA by solvers to prover contracts on destination chains that interop providers use as verification proof that enables settlement on destination chains.
2. Decentralized Solver Network
Between the SEDA Network and any other chain is a decentralized Solver network responsible for relaying data requests and results between the SEDA main chain and networks. Protocols can also leverage a specialized solver to further customize complex logic necessary for their service. An example is using a specialized solver to trigger a data request from a destination chain that verifies the state of an origin chain and relays the proof from SEDA to the destination chain as additional verification on top of common centralized message relaying.
3. Customizable Oracle Programs
Oracle Programs are the hero of the SEDA network. This quarter, SEDA will reveal a dedicated interop Oracle Program designed to be ready ‘out of the box’. However, SEDA is a 100% programmable infrastructure that allows bridges to create additional parameters and configurations to suit their interop verification needs. Customizations can be any instruction the bridge requires, but typically includes the required RPC endpoints and how verifications are presented for consumption.
4. Overlay Network
The Overlay Network is built to be made up of 10s of thousands of query & compute nodes query data sources. Overlay Nodes bolster the security and one of several SEDA design elements that support liveness guarantees, which we will explore in the next article. Anyone can deploy an Overlay Node on the SEDA Network for greater security assumptions and further decentralization of the network.Note: To estimate the amount of routes SEDA is built to support, you can use the following formula where n = the amount of blockchains: n = n(n - 1) ÷ 2 — Wherever a SEDA permissionless prover contract is deployed, a route exists.Unlock Interop 3.0 With SEDA Interop Programs
With the rapidly growing mind-share and use of both Chain Abstraction and Interoperability providers, we can expect 2025 to experience an explosion in cross-chain transactions. As we enter the era of Interop 3.0, bridges will begin to split into specialization focusing on dominating key areas such as less-frequent, high value transfers or high-frequency, low value transfers. Using SEDA’s Interop Programs, interoperability providers including message, intent, and solver systems can scale their security stack to any new network with SEDA. SEDA’s customizable programs will support these interop providers in scaling their services with customizable verification to suit their needs.